Join the 7 day Contentment Project
Complaining hits close to home for all of us. In the biblical book of Numbers, we find that God provided guidance, leadership, food, and water for His people in the wilderness, but they weren’t satisfied. They wanted better leaders and food with more flavor; and they weren’t content with what God gave them. As we navigate a culture obsessed with “more,” it can be difficult to practice contentment. The apostle Paul said this, “…for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little” (Philippians 4:10b-11).
Paul learned to be content. So can we! If you would like to join me for 7 days of intentional contentment, here is what I am asking you to do:
Wear a Content Bracelet
Wear a “content” bracelet, you can use a bracelet that you already own or order one from the website below. Every time you complain (whether in your thoughts or words), move the bracelet to the other wrist. When you do this, identify one thing in your life that you are content with. (For example, if you complain that your washing machine broke, you can mentally acknowledge that you are content that God has provided clothing for your family.)

5 Minutes of Worship
Spend about 5 minutes daily (outside if possible) with no one else around and listen to one worship song or hymn and focus just on God’s character. You could write or speak praise to God or rehearse His attributes. Be still – no checking email, answering texts, or thinking about other things. (I’ll make a song suggestion in each devotional but you can choose whatever song you would like during your time of focus.)

Daily Devotional
Read the daily email devotional with a short passage of Scripture. Sign up for the project to receive the 7 daily emails. You will receive the first after confirming your email address when you sign up above. You will not be put on any other lists – you will only receive the 7 devotionals for the Contentment Project with a five final encouragements on the eighth day.
Watch a short video clip from the Numbers Bible study explaining the Contentment Project –
You can also join the Facebook Group – Contentment Project – to interact with the hundreds of other women who are joining you on the journey. Share stories, pictures of bracelets, encouragement and ask for prayer in this group.